Shipping Policy

  1. Estimated time of delivery
    We will ship the product within1-2 working days of receiving the order online. The product is delivered within 5-12 working days by india post , depending on location of product delivery. On Sundays & Public Holidays no dispatches are made.

  2. Delivery Charges
    Delivery charges are flat 50 RS

  3. Delivery though third party courier partners
    If customer want by courier so they pay extra amount according to weight ,  product through registered third party courier companies.

    Track my order
    You will receive confirmation email with tracking number once your order is shipped. Log on to my account section of
    Sometimes items in your order may fall out of stock while we are processing your order. In this event, you will receive an email notifying you of a delay. If you have other items in your order, they will be shipped as scheduled. We will continue trying to fulfill your order as quickly as possible. If the order is still out of stock 10 days after the first email is sent, you will be asked to approve a 7 Day Order Extension. If you do not approve the extension, this part of your order will be canceled within 24 hours. Remember, you can cancel your order at any time.

CONTACT -9838782221