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Body-Mind-Spirit Integrative Medicine
20 %
Drug Addiction in Male Adolescents : In Psychological Perspectives
20 %
Ayurvedic Herbal Remedies
20 %
Ayurvedic Concept of Human Embryology
20 %
Ayurveda The Science of Living (Health and Vigour Forever) (HB)
20 %
A Hand Book of Medicinal Plants
20 %
A Text Book of Ayurveda Historical Background (HB)
20 %
A Text Book of Ayurveda Philosophical Background (HB)
20 %
Ayurvedic Medicine The Living Tradition
20 %
Ayurvedic Clinical Diagnosis With Modern Perspective (HB)
20 %
Ayurvedic Health Codes
20 %
Ayurveda for Modern Medical Practitioners
20 %
A Scientific Study on Manjishtha
20 %
Jwar Vivechan (ज्वरविवेचन)
20 %
Astanga Samgraha Sarira,Nidana,Cikitsita and Kalpa vol-2
15 %
Sarangadhara Samhita शार्ङ्गधर संहिता
20 %
Astanga Samgraha Uttarasthan vol-3
15 %
Dincharya aur Sukhi Jivan (दिनचर्या और सुखी जीवन)
20 %
Medical Prescriber Guide (अपटूडेट मेडिकल प्रेस्क्राइबर)
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Aids and Ayurveda (एड्स एवं आयुर्वेद)
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Arthritis and Ayurveda
20 %
Ayurvedic Home Remedies
20 %
Mind in Health & Diseases
20 %
Ayurvedic Encyclopaedia (Vol. 1) (Theories of Ayurveda)
20 %
Ayurvedic Encyclopaedia (Vol. 2) (Practice of Ayurveda)
20 %
Aids & Ayurveda (HB)
20 %
Ayurveda & Dietetics
20 %
Advances in Ayurvedic Medicine 1-5 Vols. English
15 %
Vrindamadhav or Siddhayoga (1-2 Parts) (English)
20 %
Vrindamadhav or Siddhayoga (वृन्दमाधव अथवा सिद्धयोग)
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MLT & Imaging Techniques (Handbook)
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Bhavaprakash Nighantu (English)(PB)
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20 %
Leech Therapy in Ayurveda (Buergers Diseases)
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Male Infertility & Management
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Kshar Sutra Karma Vigyan(क्षारसूत्र कर्म विज्ञान-सचित्र)
20 %
Vyadhi Nigraha by Vishram Yati (English)
20 %
A Hand Book of standardization of Ayurvedic Formulations
15 %
Abhinava Madhumeha Vijnanaअभिनव मधुमेह विज्ञान
15 %
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15 %
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15 %
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15 %
Astanga Hrdayam Sutrasthana
15 %
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15 %
Astanga Samgraha Complete in 3 Vols.
15 %
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15 %
15 %
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Biographical History of Indian Medicine
15 %
Brihad Rasraj Sunder रसराज सुन्दर
15 %
Chakradatta Text with English Translations
15 %
Compendium Views On Sroto Sharira
15 %
Contribution of Dalhan in the Field of Basic Principle of Ayurveda आयुर्वेदीय मौलिक सिद्धान्त के क्षेत्र मे डाल्हण का योगदान
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Current Trends in the Study of Sarira
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15 %
Dhanwantri Paricaya धन्वन्तरी परिचय
15 %
Diabetes Ayurvedic Overview
20 %
Differential Diagnosis डिफ्फ़्रेंशियल डाइयग्नोसिस
15 %
Emerging Trends In Study Of Ayurveda
15 %
Floral Medicine In Ayurveda
15 %
Fruits and Vegetables in Ancient India
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Geriatrics in Ayurveda
15 %
Herbal medicine Based on Vrindamadhava
15 %
Introduction to Ayurvedic Pharmaceutics
15 %
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15 %
Indian Medicinal Plants in Children Diseases
15 %
Luminaries of Indian Medicine
15 %
Management of Obesity in Ayurveda (Carakokta Sthoulya Chikitsa)
15 %
Medical Dictionary (Anglo-Hindi )
15 %
Medicinal Plants &Minerals of Uttarakhand Himalayउत्तराखण्ड हिमालय की वनौषधियां एवं खनिज:
15 %
Modern Medicine (H) मोडर्न मेडिसिन
15 %
New Horizones of Yoga and Tantra
15 %
Principles and Practice of Ayurvedic Medicine
15 %
Purushatva (Kam-Shakti) Ke Rog Avam Chikitsa पुरुषत्व (काम शक्ति) के रोग एवं चिकित्सा
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Rasakamadhenu-First & Fourthcikitsapad (रसकामधेनु-फ़र्स्ट एंड फोर्थ चिकित्सा पद)Setof 3 Vols
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15 %
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Rasendra Chintamani (रसेन्द्र चिंतामणि)
15 %
Rationale of Ayurvedic Psychiatry
15 %
Role of Parental and Environmental Imprinting in Ayurveda
15 %
Spiritual Healing for Cancer Through Chakras
20 %
The Essence of Naure Cure
15 %
Trifala Ke Gun evam Upayog त्रिफला के गुण एवं उपयोग
20 %
Vaidya Chintamani (Complete in 2 Vols.)
20 %
Yoga Or Prakritik chikitsaयोग और प्राकृतिक चिकित्सा
20 %
Your Health and Ayurveda
20 %
A Sneak Peek Into The World Of Health
15 %
Anusandhan Paddhati Evam Swasthya Sankhikiya अनुसंधान पद्धति एवं स्वास्थ्य सांख्यिकी
15 %
Arshas Piles In View Of Ayurveda And Modern
15 %
Concepts Of Guda-Anorectum
15 %
Daiva Vyapashraya Chikitsa- Third Dimension Treatment Of Ayurveda
15 %
Kshar Sutra &; Fistula In Ano
20 %
Concept of Madatyaya in Ayurveda (Alcoholism)in Ayurveda
20 %
Ayurveda Amritam (आयुर्वेद अमृतम्)
20 %
A Comprehensive Study of Urology in Ayurveda
15 %
Ayurveda ka Itihas evam Parichaya (आयुर्वेद का इतिहास एवं परिचय)
20 %
Ayurveda and Marma Therapy Energy Points in Yogic Healing
20 %
Ayurvediya Samhita Sangrah, आयुर्वेदीय संहिता-संग्रह (आयुर्वेदीय संहिताओं का परिचय )
20 %
Vatadosa: Ayurvedic Concept with Modern Perspective
20 %
Pakadarpana of Sri Nala
20 %
Management of Alcoholic Liver Disease:An Ayurvedic Approach
15 %
Ayurvedic Dermatology
15 %
Handbook of Kashyapa Samhita
15 %
Wisdom on Basti Chikitsa
15 %
Co-Ordination of Ayurveda and Yoga
15 %
Jala Vigyan (Ayurvediya) आयुर्वेदीय जल विज्ञान
20 %
Pharmacology for Ayurveda Students
20 %
Medico Legal aspects for Ayurvedic Medical Practitioners
20 %
Bhavaprakasa of Sri Bhava Mishraभावप्रकाश: - Including Bhavaprakasa Nighantu Protion (Set of 2 Volumes)
15 %
Ageing & Ayurveda
15 %
Choudhary's Encyclopedic Dictionary of Ayurveda: Epistemological Analysis of Ayurvedic Terminology (In 3 Parts) आयुर्वेदीय शब्द- परिभाषा कोशः
20 %
Concepts Of Exercise Physiology And Sports Medicine In Ayurveda
15 %
Keshyam: A Handbook on Ayurveda Trichology
15 %
Prakritik Chikitsa ke Siddhant Mahatva evam Prayog - Vidhiyan (प्राकृतिक चिकित्सा के सिद्धांत महत्व एवं प्रयोग - विधियाँ )
20 %
Sarangadhara Samhita शार्ङ्गधर संहिता
20 %
Swasthya -Vigyanस्वास्थ्य विज्ञान
20 %
Vaidya Kaustubha of Mevaram Vaidya -वैद्य कौस्तुभ
20 %
Proven Forest Treatments for Animals पशुओं की सिद्ध वनौषधि चिकित्सा
20 %
Ayurvedic Cosmetology
15 %
Ayurveda and Yoga- Philosophical Foundation and Applications
20 %
Inorganic Pharmaceutics in Ayurveda
15 %
Concept of Exercise Physiology & Sports Medicine in Ayurveda
15 %
Chest X-Ray and Its Interpretation
15 %
Anatomical Concept of Chakra and Energy System
15 %
The Practical Approach of Diet & Dietetics from Ayurveda to Contemporary Science
20 %
Epigenetic and Ayurveda
15 %
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15 %
Clinical Gasro-Enterology in Ayurveda (Complete in 2 Vols.)Vol-I Vol-II
15 %
Women's Health
20 %
Principles of Research Ayurveda
15 %
Ayurvedic Perspective of Tamaka Shwasa
15 %
Code of Conduct For Holistic Health
20 %
Essentials of Ayurveda for Health
15 %
A Universal Ayurveda Guide- A Guide for All India Ayush Post-Graduate Entrance Test
15 %
Matri Garbha Sanskarमातृ गर्भ संस्कार
15 %
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15 %
Ancient Secrets
20 %
Allopathic Drug Dosage (Made Easy for Beginners)
15 %
Welcoming Womb (A Book on Garbha Maata Sanskar)
20 %
Ayurveda Sangraha with Balabodh
20 %
Mind in Health and Disease
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