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Manas Prakriti and Personality Disorder
15 %
Research Methodology & Medical Statistics
20 %
The Shalakya Tantra (Diseases of Eye Head &E.N.T.)
20 %
Ancient Indian Surgery (AIS) Susruta Samhita (HB)
20 %
20 %
Ayurvedic Panchakarma
20 %
Panchakarma Illustrated
20 %
Panchakarma Illustrated
20 %
Ayurved For Modern Medical Practitioners
20 %
Netra Chikitsa Vigyan (नेत्र-विज्ञान)
20 %
Shalakya Tantra (सचित्र शालाक्य-तन्त्र)
20 %
Injection Chikitsa (इन्जेक्शन-चिकित्सा)
20 %
Chikitsa Kalika (चिकित्सा-कलिका)
20 %
Chikitsa Kalika (चिकित्सा-कलिका)
20 %
Agad Tantra (Text Book of Ayurvedic Toxicology): अगदतन्त्र (विष विज्ञान)
20 %
Abhinav Kaychikitsa अभिनव कायचिकित्सा
20 %
Vedic Sahitya me Salya-Chitiksa : Ek Adhyan (वैदिक साहित्य में शल्य-चिकित्सा एक अध्ययन) (HB)
20 %
Anushastra Karma Paddhati अनुशस्त्रकर्म-पद्धति
20 %
Manual of Research Methodology & Medical Statistics
20 %
Practice of Ayurvedic Medicine (Kaya Chikitsa) (प्रैक्टिस ऑफ़ आयुर्वेदिक मेडिसिन)
20 %
Essentials of Panchakarma Therapy
20 %
Architecture Instruments in Panchakarma
20 %
Mechanism of Panchakarma and its Module of Investigation
20 %
Ayurveda Shalya Nidana (आयुर्वेदीय शल्यनिदान) (HB)
20 %
Kayachikitsa (कायचिकित्सा) (Vol. 1) (PB)
20 %
Kayachikitsa (कायचिकित्सा) (Vol. 2) (PB)
20 %
Ayurvedya Panchakarma Chikitsa (आयुर्वेदीय पंचकर्म-चिकित्सा) (PB)
20 %
Ayurvedya Panchakarma Chikitsa (आयुर्वेदीय पंचकर्म-चिकित्सा) (set of 2 vols) (HB)
20 %
Kaya Cikitsa Made Easy(set of 2)
20 %
Principles and Practice of Kaya Chikitsa
10 %
A Critical Study of Yogaratnakara
15 %
Comprehensive Compendium Supraclavicular Disorders in Ayurveda (Shalakya Tantra)
10 %
Kaya-Chikitsa (काय-चिकित्सा) vol-1
15 %
Kaya-Chikitsa (काय-चिकित्सा) vol-4
15 %
Kaya-Chikitsa (काय-चिकित्सा)
15 %
Susruta Samhita (1-3 Vols.) (English)
20 %
Susruta Samhita (Vol.1)
20 %
Susruta Samhita (Vol.2)
20 %
Susruta Samhita (Vol.3)
20 %
Namarupajynanam (Characterization of Medicinal Plants)
20 %
Harita Samhita हारित संहिता
20 %
Yoga Ratnakara (1-2 Parts) (English)
20 %
Shalakya Tantra (Textbook) Netra Roga (Vol.1)
20 %
Yoga Ratnakara(योगरत्नाकरः)
20 %
Kshara Karma (Sachitra)(क्षार कर्म
20 %
Ayurvedic Medicine Prescriber on Fever
20 %
Shalakya Tantra-Kriyakalpa Vigyan
20 %
Netra Prakashika
20 %
Ayurvedic Drug Manufacturing (Practical Approach) (English)
20 %
Medical Ethics in Ayurveda
20 %
Panchakarma Therapy
20 %
Clinical Panchakarma Made Easy
20 %
Chikitsa Prakash
20 %
Doctrines of Diagnostic Pathology
20 %
Ayurvedic Statistics (English)
20 %
Kshar Sutra Karma Vigyan(क्षारसूत्र कर्म विज्ञान-सचित्र)
20 %
A Short Notes of Susruta Samhita संक्षिप्त सुश्रुत संहिता
15 %
A Text Book On Salya Tantra Complete in 2 Vols.
15 %
Abhinava Salya-Vijnana Complete in 2 Vols. अभिनव शल्य विज्ञान
15 %
Acupuncture Marma other Asian Therapeutic Techniques
15 %
Allopathic-Cikitsadarsa एलोपैथिक-चिकित्सादर्श
15 %
Anorectal Disoders Ayurvedic Aproach
15 %
Anubhuta Cikitsa अनुभूत चिकित्सा दर्शन
15 %
Aphrodisiacs & Treatment of Impotence In Alternative systems of Medicine
15 %
Ayurveda Anusandhana Darshika आयुर्वेद अनुसंधान दर्शिका
15 %
Ayurvedic First Aid
15 %
Ayurvedic Management for Heart Diseases
15 %
Ayurvediya Anusandhana Paddhati आयुर्वेद अनुसंधान पद्दती
15 %
Ayurvediya Chikitsa Sar Sangraha आयुर्वेदीय चिकित्सासार संग्रह
15 %
Clinical Methods in Ayurveda
15 %
Clinical Salya Vijnana क्लिनिकल शल्य विज्ञान
15 %
Comprehensive Research Methodology For Ayurvedic Scholars
15 %
Concept of Vrana in Ayurveda
15 %
Diabetes Mellitus In Indian Medicine
15 %
Differential Diagnosis डिफ्फ़्रेंशियल डाइयग्नोसिस
15 %
Drugs Useful in Pancha Karma Therapy
15 %
Falo K Dwara Chikitsaफलों के द्वारा चिकित्सा
15 %
Fundamentals of Medical Statistics of Ayurvedic Scholars
15 %
Hrdaya Tantra हृदय तंत्र
15 %
Introduction to Kaya Chikitsa
15 %
Jwar Nidan Evam Chikitsa ज्वर निदान एवं चिकित्सा
15 %
Kaya-Cikitsa Complete in 3 Vols. काय चिकित्सा
15 %
Kaya Chikitsa Complete in 4 Vols.
15 %
Madak Dravya (Nasheele Padartha) Vyasan &Upchar (H) मादक द्रव्य (नशीले पद्र्थ) व्यसन और उपचार
15 %
Madhava Cikitsa Sutramala
15 %
Manasa Mandata Aura Chikitsaka Ka Uttaradayitya (मानस मंदता ओर चिकित्सा का उत्तरदायित्व)
15 %
Kaya chikitsa (1-4 Volumes) : कायचिकित्सा (१-४ भाग)
15 %
Mukha-Kantha Cikitsa Vijnana (H) मुख कण्ठ चिकित्सा विज्ञान
15 %
Myopathy Ayurvedic Perspective
15 %
Naidanik Parikshan Paddhathi नैदानिक परिक्षण पद्धति
15 %
Nasa Cikitsa Vijnana नासा चिकित्सा विज्ञान
15 %
Netra Chikitsa Vijnana नेत्रा चिकत्सा विज्ञान
15 %
Nyanamritam-(Ophthalmic Drug Therapy) (H)
15 %
Pancakarma Siddhi
15 %
Panchkarma: Procedures And Techniques
15 %
Principles and Practice of Ayurvedic Medicine
15 %
Principles and Practice of Pancha Karma
15 %
Purushatva (Kam-Shakti) Ke Rog Avam Chikitsa पुरुषत्व (काम शक्ति) के रोग एवं चिकित्सा
15 %
Rationale of Ayurvedic Psychiatry
15 %
Research Methodology (Methods, Approaches & Techniques) Vol.- I-II
15 %
Research Methodology for Ayurvedic Scholars
15 %
Rogi-Paricarya,Compoundery Evam Allopathic Cikitsa रोगी-परिचर्या,कम्पौंडरी एवं एलोपैथिक चिकित्सा
15 %
Salakya Vijnana (शालाक्य विज्ञान)
15 %
Scientific Exposition Of Ayurveda A Wholistic Medical Science
20 %
Shalakya Tantra (2 Vols.)ENT
20 %
Text Book of Proctology मलाशयरोग चिकित्सा विज्ञान
15 %
Unfolded Secrecies of Sushruta Samhita
20 %
Vajikarana Tantra
20 %
Hand Book on Marma and Panchakarma Therapy
15 %
Shalya Vigyan (शल्यविज्ञान) (A Text Book Of Ayurveda Surgery) Volume 2(shalya Tantra)
20 %
Concept of Exercise Physiology and Sports Medicine in Ayurveda
15 %
A T.B.Of Panchkarma
15 %
Anusandhan Paddhati Evam Swasthya Sankhikiya अनुसंधान पद्धति एवं स्वास्थ्य सांख्यिकी
15 %
Application of Agni karma in Surgical Practices (Agni karma in Ayurveda)
15 %
Arshas Piles In View Of Ayurveda And Modern
15 %
Basic Concept of ECG
15 %
Basics of Manuscriptology &An Entrance to Medical Manuscripts
15 %
Concepts Of Guda-Anorectum
15 %
Shalakya Tantra-(Vols-1)A Text Book of Ophthalmology
15 %
Surgical Essence Of Susruta Samhita
20 %
Text Book Of Shalakya Tantra
20 %
Vaidya Manorama Evam Dharakalpa
20 %
Kaya Chikitsa (Volume II) (Pocket Series) (काय चिकित्सा - भाग 2)
20 %
Kaya Chikitsa (Volume I) (Pocket Series) (काय चिकित्सा - भाग 1)
20 %
Colorectal Diseases and Kshar Sutra Surgery
15 %
Shalya Vigyan (शल्य विज्ञान) (A Text Book of Ayurveda Surgery) Volume 1( shalya tantra)
20 %
Kaya Cikitsa-(set of 4 vols)कायचिकित्सा
15 %
Regeneration & Wound Healing (Perspectives from Ayurveda)
20 %
Research Methodology & Medical Statistics (अनुसन्धान पद्धति एवं स्वास्थ्य सांख्यिकी)
20 %
Shalakya Tantra शालाक्य तंत्र-1(Pocket)
20 %
Panchakarma Vivechan (MCQs on Panchakarma)
15 %
Research Methodology And Medical Biostatics
15 %
Shalakya tantra Netra Kriyakalp शालाक्य तंत्र नेत्र क्रियाकल्प
15 %
Panchkarma Shodhan and Rasayan Tantra Vigyan पंचकर्म शोधन तथा रसायन तन्त्र विज्ञान
15 %
Kaya Chikitsa कायचिकित्सा Set of 3 Volumes
20 %
An Ayurvedic Approach to Endocrinology
20 %
Shalakya Tantra शालाक्य तंत्र -2(Pocket)
20 %
Ayurvediya Yantra Parichay (आयुर्वेदिय यंत्र परिचय)
20 %
Kaya Chikitsa Parichay (काय चिकित्सा परिचय)
20 %
Ayurvediya Panchkarma Chikitsa (आयुर्वेदिय पंचकर्म चिकित्सा)
20 %
Recent advances in Fundamental Principles of Ayurveda Vol-1
20 %
The Surgical Instruments of the Hindus
20 %
Kaya Chikitsa (Volume I) (काय चिकित्सा - भाग 1)
20 %
Chikitsadarsha Sampurna (चिकित्सदर्श संपूर्ण)
20 %
A Textbook of Research Methodology & Medical Statistics (As per new CCIM syllabus)
20 %
Kaya Chikitsa (Volume II) (काय चिकित्सा - भाग 2)
20 %
AGNI: The Digestive Fire in Ayurveda
20 %
Ayurveda for Low Back Ache
15 %
An Entrance Guide on Research Methodology, Medical Statistics & Teaching Aptitude (NTET & Ph.D Entrance)
20 %
A Handbook of Modern Clinical Medicine For Ayurveda Students
20 %
Chikitsa Bhagirathi चिकित्सा भागीरथी
20 %
Research Methodology & Medical Statistics
20 %
Research Methodology & Medical Statistics
20 %
A Practical Approach to Panchakarma
20 %
A Textbook of- Kayachikitsa (Principles and Practice of Internal Medicine)Part-2
15 %
Concepts Of Exercise Physiology And Sports Medicine In Ayurveda
15 %
Hand Book of Anal Disorders
20 %
Principles of Kriyakalpa in Ayurveda, अयुर्वेदीय क्रियाकल्पा - सिद्धांत
20 %
Research Methodology
20 %
Salakya Tantra ( Ayurvedic E.N.T & Oro-Dental Diseases) (Shiro-Karna-Nasa-Mukh & Dant Rog Vigyan) Vol. 2
20 %
The Panchakarma Treatment Of Ayurveda With Kerala Specialities (Keraliya Pancakarma)
20 %
Vyavharik Panchakarma व्यावहारिक पंचकर्म
20 %
A Textbook of- Kayachikitsa (Principles and Practice of Internal Medicine) part-1
15 %
A Textbook of Shalya Tantra -2 vols
15 %
20 %
Shalya Tantra Samucchya शल्य तंत्र समुच्चय sanskrit only
20 %
Salya Siddhanta Kaumudi (In 2 Volumes) शल्य सिद्धांत कौमुदी
15 %
Susruta Samhita (Shaarir Sthan Vivechan)
20 %
A Hand Book of Ayurvedic Medicine
15 %
Concept of Exercise Physiology & Sports Medicine in Ayurveda
15 %
Chest X-Ray and Its Interpretation
15 %
Shalakyatantra (Hindi)शालाक्यतंत्र (हिन्दी)
20 %
Wound Care with Ankola
20 %
A Text Book on Research Methodology and Medical Statistics in Ayurveda
15 %
Clinical Gasro-Enterology in Ayurveda (Complete in 2 Vols.)Vol-I Vol-II
15 %
Clinical Approach in Shalya Tantra
15 %
Anusandhan Paddhati Parichaya
15 %
Kaya-Cikitsa (Complete in 2 Vols.) Vol-I Vol-II
15 %
Principles of Research Ayurveda
15 %
Ayurvedic Perspective of Tamaka Shwasa
15 %
Handbook of Shalaka-Tantra (complete in 2 vols.) Vol-I, Vol-II
15 %
Panchakarma Vijnana
20 %
Rasayan & Vajikaran (Rejuvenation & Aphrodisiac)रसायन एवं वाजीकरण
15 %
A Short Handbook of Research Methodology & Medical Statistics
20 %
Practical Guide to Panchakarma Procedures
15 %
A Comprehensive Textbook on Kaya Chikitsa (Principles and Practice of Ayurvedic Internal Medicine)
15 %
Kayachikitsa Shlokavali
15 %
Gateway of Shalakya Surgery (A Textbook for the students of MS, Shalakya (First Year))
15 %
Research Methodology and Medical Statistics in Ayurveda
20 %
Colorectal Diseases & Kshar Sutra Surgery (क्षारसूत्र कर्म विज्ञान-सचित्र)
20 %
20 %
The Compendium of Kayacikitsa- Based on New NCISM Syllabus (Vol-I)
20 %
Illustrated Shalya Vigyan Vol-1 (English)
20 %
Illustrated textbook of Kriya Sharira Part - 1 (included in the Reference List of NCISM - recommended Books) (Revised Edition)
20 %
Illustrated textbook of Kriya Sharira Part - 2 (included in the Reference List of NCISM - recommended Books) (Revised Edition)
20 %
Research Methodology & Biostatics (तत्त्व मीमांसा)
15 %
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