Ancient Secrets

Ancient Secrets

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Product Code :COJA-444

Author : Dr. S. Ajit


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Publisher : chaukhamaba

Pages :

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Weight : 0

Availability : 100

₹799.20 ₹999.00/ 20 %

(100 available)

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Ancient Secrets is a book written by Dr. S. Ajit. Based out of New Zealand, Dr. Ajit has 4 decades of Ayurveda practice as a practitioner. He has helped countless people heal from using Ancient Secrets of Ayurveda.

The book also covers the basic principles of Ayurveda along with logical lifestyles and – in just 300 pages! The book is a short read that imparts authentic, logical, and practical knowledge that cannot be found elsewhere.

Uses of the book:

For practitioners, it is a way to describe logical routines to patients;

Students can use it to understand the basic principles of Ayurveda and recommend routines to members of their families based on the book and their own knowledge;

and for Working Professionals, this book is a gold mine of knowledge on how to cope through mid-life health issues and live in harmony with nature. Ancient Secrets is a book for everyone, and everything!

This book is a compilation of years worth of practical experience that has been proven to show results when followed wholeheartedly. Ancient Secrets consists of daily and seasonal routines (dincharya and ritucharya); regimes in accordance with prakruti (what is called as Vata, Pitta, and Kapha), and any prevalent ailments. The book has preventative and curing routines for a vast number of lifestyle diseases like stress, anxiety, migraines, cholesterol, acidity, and etc.

Written in 11 chapters, Ancient Secrets covers the following points:

  1. The Factors That Impact Our Lives
  2. Three Biological Forces: Guiding pillars of the body
    • Ayurvedic Concept of Prakruti
    • Test of your Prakruti/Vikruti
  3. Power of Agni in Wellbeing
  4. Role of Six Tastes in Our Wellbeing
  5. Role of Seven Dhatus or Bodily Tissues in Our Wellbeing
  6. Srotas/Channels
  7. The Role of the Mind
  8. Daily Routines
    • Includes:
      • Recipe for Detox Drink
      • Harmonizing the Sense Organs
      • Techniques for self massage
      • Clinically Guided Meditation
  9. Prakruti Specific Routines
  10. Seasonal Routines
    • Winter
    • Summer
    • Autumn
    • Spring
  11. Regimes for Lifestyle Diseases


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